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Recipe: Dashi & Miso soup

DASHI STOCK The base for a miso soup is dashi, which we will make with shiitake mushrooms and kombu. Soak the dried shiitake mushrooms and dried kombu seaweed in cold water overnight.

Remove the shiitake mushrooms from the water and put aside. Bring the water to boil with the kombu seaweed, up to around 85 degrees, remove from the heat and let it steep for 45 min. Skim the foam regularly and take out the seaweed at the end. MISO SOUP Bring the dashi to just under the boil point and add the miso paste, by stirring with a whisk and a strainer. The aim is for it to have a pronounced flavour of miso, without being too salty. So the way to go is to add some, and taste check the flavour and salt level, until you are satisfied. You can preferably use bottled water, if you live in a place with hard water. Dashi can be kept in the fridge for around 1 week, and can also be frozen if need be. Shiitake mushrooms will need to be cleaned before soaking in water. This can be done easily with a small brush. You can also make dashi with other types of seaweed, and with other types of mushrooms. The following video is filmed and edited by Hans Peter Madsen // Flammehav. Follow Flammehav here:

Kombu, dulse, sea luttuce is supplied from DANSK TANG: Shiitake mushrooms are fra BYGAARD: KOMBU TSUKUDANI After making dashi, you can use the leftover kombu and shiitake to make some tasty side dishes or as toppings for rice. The kombu is cut into thin strips and combined in a pot with 2 part soy, 1 part cooking sake and 1 part sugar. Let it simmer slowly until it thickens a bit and the kombu loses some of its bite. Depending on the thickness of the seaweed, it will probably take between 10 to 20 min, before the seaweed is done. The same approach can be used with the leftover mushrooms, but with the following recipe ratios: 2 part soy, 2 part mirin and 1 part sugar. STALDKØKKENET In the grey part of Copenhagens Meat Packing District, right next to the food innovation hub CPH Food Space, resides Staldkøkkenet. Staldkøkkenet is a transparent space for food development and activities that create a economic, social and evironmental sustainable food culture.

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